If I could I would (and I probably should) have
Taken all the clocks down and rewound
Them back to midnight because I wanted
To restart the dawn, the month, the year
So that I could redo it all and start from
Zero and rewrite the pages in my past
With a pen in my left and a tool in my right I
Tried to change my story and fix the brokenness and mess that
I had become but as the minutes ticked by and as
The seconds grew longer I would realise that it was
All for nothing and that I could not fix something
That was too damaged, too broken
The dials would turn and the knobs would
click and yet in my head it was all stuck because
There was never the right time to do what was
Right and yet somehow I managed to always
Do it wrong and mess it all up and the hands
Of the clock would go spinning away
Broken, they were, spoilt and fragmented but
No one was around to fix it and so
Sometimes they would stop and halt at
Times I had forgotten // and memories that
I had lost in the pursuit of finding more to fit
In each second, in each minute, in each hour

art: allison moore
I spent too much time turning the hands anti-clockwise in an
Effort to repair the past so it might fix the
Future but futility has always been my super power and
Even though I had enough minutes, enough
Hours, enough days I would eventually
Realise they would never quite be enough
Trapped in reality but dreaming of fiction I would
Be torn between two worlds but somehow I never quite
Belonged to either and so I was stuck in a present that
I didn’t exactly fit in and yet I would try my hardest to live
As if I belonged somewhere, as if I had
Done it all the right way all this time
I knew in my heart and in the ticking of
The clock that I was lost in a moment that I could not
Escape and I was stuck in a time that I did not
Fit in but somehow I would keep trying and eventually I would hear
The measured swing of the grandfather clock with
His echoes of a story I did not want to listen to
Rhythmically, right on the hour I would listen and hear that
The bells would chime their song and the
Pendulum would swing back and forth to keep
Track of the minutes so I would not lose myself in
The chase to keep up with the sands of time
As they trickle away too fast, too quick
I was always too caught up in running after
Something ephemeral and yet
I still continued to run after it no matter how
Distant it was even though I knew I was too
Foolish, too cursed and too bound by a clock that would
Someday stop.
"The Time Keeper is inspired by the chase for something greater. As we journey through life, we get so caught up in the pursuit for more and as time passes, we often forget about our roots, or where we belong, or who we used to be. Unfortunately by the time we realise we spent too much time chasing after achieving more, it's too late, and we've forgotten our essence so we try to rewind and change it all but again, time and tide waits for no man and no matter how much more time we want, eventually the clocks of our life will just stop."