shadow beneath the sun
mourning creeps up on me like a shadow
beneath the sun- slowly and stealthily,
but not entirely unexpected.
it manifests in the absence of colour
from my clothing; the vibrant reds and
fiery oranges are a stark antithesis to
the dark grief i am suffering through.
they tell me she is in a better place, now,
and although her pain is gone and the
waiting is over, it is still an excruciatingly
vivid reminder that the better place they speak
of is no longer beside me.
art: allison moore
axis of the world
the bright sunlight is too muted, the
roar of the ocean is silent. joy is so
absent i have no hope of reaching it.
a whole week passes in a single day-
time has given up on passing, now
that you are no longer following it.
i feel the loss of you like the
axis of the world has splintered-
everything i have ever known is
askew, and nothing will ever fit
back together as well as it did
when i still had you in my life.