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curtains: in conversation with sasha daniel

The recently released Too Much Information EP, featuring four hauntingly beautiful songs, is Sasha Daniel’s brainchild. A singer, songwriter and producer from Tel Aviv, Sasha also has a knack for creative visuals and this reflects in her music videos. The musician also finds herself pondering on the topic of death and writing about the changing tides in life.

Although thinking of death scares her, Sasha walks us through her journey of accepting the inevitable and befriending it. In this conversation with her, we have some interesting insights and opinions from this talented person.

Push up Daisies: What has your relationship with death always been like, and how do you view it now?

Sasha: My relationship with death changes as I grow older. When I was younger, I was more afraid of it and I thought a lot about the terror of losing closed ones. But in the past few years, I've come to accept the fact it's just a part of life. I actually get calmer, the more I think and talk about it. I try to focus on living and enjoying my life rather than focusing on my death or other people’s death - it's completely out of my control and what a waste of time!

Push up Daisies: Are you spiritual or religious? How do you think your culture/ideals affect your perception of death?

Sasha: I'm not religious at all but I definitely am spiritual. I try to be the best version of myself and treat people with compassion and kindness. Not because I have a plan for the afterlife, but because I truly think it's the right way to live. What is going to happens after we die: it’s ridiculously unimaginable. That's why people made all these stories and rules about it - cause it's scary. The universe is so much bigger than us and I trust it to do the right thing for our bodies and our souls. It might be just nothing at all, who knows! Whatever Mother Earth needs, I'm game.

Push up Daisies: As a creative, how does the thought or fear of death inspire you/does it ever drive you to create more?

Sasha: I just want to make sure I create as much as possible before I die. Creating is not a choice for me, it's a need. I don't want to regret the fact I didn't make enough art because I needed to work or make money.

Push up Daisies: How does the thought of death affect your everyday life?

Sasha: I think, the thought of death really helps me and pushes me forward. It's a constant reminder of how short life is and how important it is to make the best out of it. To be happy, kind, adventurous and fun.

Push up Daisies: In what ways can it be healthy to contemplate death?

Sasha: I believe death is extremely important to contemplate; both on a psychological and spiritual level. Let's not forget that terrible things happen and doctors keep people alive because it's their job. But –- is it really living? We need to take a more active approach and research our options in case something bad happens. We can't leave the hard choice of unplugging us from life support to our family and close ones. In some countries, it's easier than others, of course; but I know that in certain cases, I wouldn't want to be left alive.

Push up Daisies: Have you ever seen a film/art piece/read a book revolving around death, that left its mark on you?

Sasha: The movie Cafe De Flore is mind blowing. I can't really say much about it in case the readers would want to watch it. I don't want to spoil it. Let's just say— it's about the other side. Its magic.

Push up Daisies: What are your ideal and worst ways to die?

Sasha: The ideal way for me to die is in bed. Falling asleep and never waking up. The worst is probably drowning or in a fire.


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